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Privacy Policy
Your privacy is our priority
We will never share your information or email addresses with vendors, business partners or other organizations.
What Information is Collected?
The information we learn from visitors helps us improve our site. You can visit our web pages without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself but we do collect statistics on the amount of traffic and traffic patterns on this site.
Our site's staff does obtain and retain certain information as you email us directly and whenever you respond to website questions. We may analyze this data for marketing and technical purposes. In order to be forgotten or have user information removed, please contact us directly.
Links to Third Party Sites or Social Media sites
Our site may include links to other web sites that are not under our control. You should review those policies before visiting those websites.
Policy Changes
This policy is subject to change. If we decide to change our privacy policy in whole or in part, we will inform you by posting the changes on this site's privacy page.